Semolina Dessert With Ice cream

Have you ever tried a traditional Turkish dessert “semolina dessert or semolina halva” that comes from Ottoman cuisine? We will give you a different recipe of this delicious dessert for the hot days of summer.  And here it is; we introduce you the marvelous dessert of the palace “Semolina Dessert With Ice cream”.

semolina dessert

What is semolina?

Semolina is a coarse flour made from durum wheat, a hard type of wheat.

When ground into a flour, durum wheat is known as semolina and used all over the world in bread, pasta, and porridge. This flour is darker and more golden in color than all-purpose flour. It has a mild, earthy aroma.

Along with its culinary uses, semolina also benefits weight management, heart health, and your digestive system.

Calories: 198 calories
Carbs: 40 grams
Protein: 7 grams
Fat: less than 1 gram
Fiber: 7% of the Reference Daily Intake (RDI)
Thiamine: 41% of the RDI
Folate: 36% of the RDI
Riboflavin: 29% of the RDI
Iron: 13% of the RDI
Magnesium: 8% of the RDI

semolina dessert

Benefits of semolina

Semolina flour can be enriched, meaning that food manufacturers re-add nutrients that were lost during the processing of the durum wheat grain. Enriched semolina flour is nutritious and provides high levels of various B vitamins, iron, protein, and fiber.
Foods rich in protein and fiber — like semolina — can increase feelings of fullness and reduce hunger. In turn, this may promote weight loss. Semolina is rich in nutrients like fiber, folate, and magnesium — all of which protect your heart and may reduce your risk of heart disease. Semolina is a great source of magnesium and fiber — two nutrients that may improve blood sugar levels and reduce your risk of type 2 diabetes. Semolina is a good source of non-heme iron. Iron is an essential mineral for transporting oxygen, preventing anemia, and supporting growth and development. The high fiber content of semolina supports digestion by stimulating the growth of beneficial gut bacteria and promoting regular bowel movements. The coarse and stretchy texture of semolina makes it an excellent type of flour for bread, pasta, and more. Semolina is a gluten-containing grain, which is unsuitable for people with certain gluten disorders or those with an allergy to wheat.

semolina dessert


500 g. semolina (3,5 cups)
250 g. butter
1,5 cups of water
3 cups of milk
2 cups powdered sugar
500 g. ice cream

For the above,

Powdered pistachios, pine nuts, walnuts and cinnamon


First, put the butter in a pot and melt well.
After the oil has melted, add the semolina. (It should be roasted until the semolina is colored)
Add water and powdered sugar to a separate pot. When boiled, add the milk and cook until warm.
Milky sherbet, lightly warm after pouring into the grilled semolina pour the warm syrup and mix and close the lid.
Cook in this way for 5 to 10 minutes and infuse.
In a pit bowl, fill the semolina dessert by pressing the center of the pit. Fill the trough with ice cream and cover with semolina halva. Serve the dish by turning it upside down.

If you wish, sprinkle with pistachios, pine nuts, walnuts or cinnamon and serve.

If you want to look at other delicious dessert recipes, you can click the link.